RNME CONSTITUTION                

The RNME – National Electron Microscopy Network it is a structure with the purpose of making available to Scientific Community a large set of electron microscopy facilities and to promote their application and shared use. The National Electron Microscopy Network was, constituted by the initiative of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), involving a overall investment of 3,3 M€ supported by  the National Scientific Re-equipment Program, and co-financed by FEDER and by the Operational Program for Science and Innovation 2010 (*),  and it is an association of institutions of the scientific and technologic system, with  electron microscopy laboratories, including equipments for sample observation and preparation.

The initial Signatories of the RNME Protocol are integrated in the following institutions:

  University of Aveiro Pole of UA   CICECO
  University of Coimbra Pole of UC   LabBCAR
  University of Minho Pole of UM   SEMAT
  University of Porto Pole of UP   CEMUP


The RNME acceding Institutions are:

  Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência Pole of IGC    IGC_Electron Microscopy
  University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Pole of UTAD   UME
  Instituto Superior Técnico Pole of IST     MicroLab


Coordinator of the National Electron Microscopy Network  (2014-2015)

   Dr. Henrique Manuel Paixão dos Santos Girão  email: hgirao@ibili.uc.pt

   IBILI - Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Life Sciences

   Polo III - Health Sciences Campus

   Azinhaga Santa Comba, Celas

   3000-548 Coimbra


  Tel. 239 480 221

